yoga 奖励计划

Cure Fit

Referred Person gets ₹100 off Doctor Consultation on 1st Care.Fit Purchase of ₹100 or more Referring Person gets ₹100 worth FitCash

Daily Yoga

Our members haven't found much information on Daily Yoga's current referral program. Feel free to submit more details or clarify Daily Yoga offers for other members' benefit.

Alo Yoga

Give friends 10% off their first order, and you'll get $25 when they make a purchase.

Hotpod Yoga

To refer a friend, you can share your unique referral code, which they can enter when creating an account. This will automatically add a Free Taster Class to their account, which they can use to book on to a class. Once they book and attend the class, you may be eligible to receive a credit on your account.